Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

1. Systematic Writing

1. First Part: Title, Author, Abstract

2. Main Parts: Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions

3. Final Section: Acknowledgments (If Any), Symbol Description (If Any), and References

2. Title and Author

1. The title is written in capital words (Title Case/Capital Each Word), bold, with the font Time New Roman 11, single-spaced, middle text, and a maximum of 14 words.

2. The author's name is placed under the title and is written without a title. Starting with a capital word (Avoid using "by" before the author's name), the order of the author is the main author then followed by the second author, and so on.

3. Institutional address and email are written in the author's name with Times New Roman 11

3. Abstract

1. Abstract written in Indonesian and English (ABSTRACT in Indonesian and ABSTRACT in English) in bold letters, which contains the introduction, research objectives, research methods, results and discussion, and conclusions.

2. The maximum word in the abstract is no more than 250 words and is written in single space.

a) Justify text with the font of Time New Roman 11.

b) Abstract using a structured abstract format.A. Backgroundb) Purposec) Methodd) Resulte) Conclusion.

c) Each section must be written in bold4) Keyword consists of 3-6 words, the word "Keyword" must also be in bold.

4. General Rules for Publishing Manuscripts

1) Each part of the manuscript is written in Time New Roman font size 11, using capital words and in bold.

2) The first sentence in the new paragraph is written with the identity of the first line 1.15 cm, and there is no space between paragraphs.

3) The contents of the manuscript are written in Time New Roman font size 11 without using bold letters

4) Words from foreign languages ​​are italicized

5) Every number word must be written with a number except

6) Tables and figures must have clear descriptions and sequence numbers

7) Articles contain a maximum of 20 pages


The reference format uses the Harvard Reference Standards system. All literature included in the references must contain manuscripts. Preferred library from the last 10 years, at least 15 references (80% main sources ex: journals, proceedings)

1. Books

First author, second author, etc. (last name, short first name) year of publication. Title (italics). Edition, publisher. Place of publication. Example: O'Brien, J.A. and. J.M. Maracas. (2011). Management information System. Issue 10. McGraw-Hill. New York-USA.

2. Journal Articles

First author, second author etc. (Last name, first name abbreviated) year of publication. Title. Journal Name (italic). Volume. Number. Page. Example: Cartlidge, J. (2012). Crossing boundaries: Using fact and fiction in adult learning. The Journal of Artistic and Creative Education. 6(1):94-111.

3. Conference Proceedings

First author, second author and so on. (last name, first name abbreviated) year of publication. Title. Conference Name. Conference Date. Place/City. Country. Page. Example: Michael, R. (2011). Integrating innovation into enterprise architecture management. Proceeding on the Tenth International Conference on Informatics Wirt-schafts. 16-18 February 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Case. 776-786.

4. Essays, Theses and Dissertations

First author, second author and so on. (last name, first name abbreviated) year of publication. Title of essay, thesis or dissertation. University. Example: Pratiwi, R.D. 2013. The Effect of Vitamin A and D Supplementation on the treatment of AFB + Pulmonary TB on the Acceleration of Sputum Conversion in the Intensive Phase, Thesis. Field Epidemiology Training Program, Faculty of Medicine UGM, Yogyakarta.

5. Website

Writer. Year. Title. Title. Uniform Resources Locator (URL). Date accessed. Example: WHO (2011). Global Tuberculosis Control 2011. Available from: Retrieved 12 June 2013.