The Influence of Differences in Volume Density and Blotong Application on the Physical Properties of Ultisol Soil and Sweet Potato Plant Growth


  • Irwan Mado Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
  • Rosanna Rosanna Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar



This study investigates the effects of variations in volume density and blotong application on the physical properties of Ultisol soil and the growth of sweet potato plants. The main objectives of the research are to assess how different levels of volume density and blotong application affect soil characteristics and plant growth. The study employs a qualitative approach, incorporating literature review and library research to explore existing knowledge and methodologies related to soil physics and plant physiology. The research involves conducting experiments where Ultisol soil samples with varying volume densities are treated with different levels of blotong application. Parameters such as soil bulk density, porosity, water retention capacity, and sweet potato plant growth parameters are measured and analyzed. The results reveal significant correlations between volume density, blotong application, and soil physical properties. Higher volume density generally leads to decreased soil porosity and water retention capacity, while blotong application demonstrates a positive impact on soil structure and plant growth. The findings highlight the importance of optimizing soil volume density and implementing blotong application techniques to enhance soil fertility and support healthy plant growth, particularly in Ultisol soil conditions. In conclusion, this research contributes valuable insights into sustainable agricultural practices for improving soil quality and crop productivity, emphasizing the significance of tailored management strategies for different soil types and crops.




How to Cite

Mado, I., & Rosanna, R. (2024). The Influence of Differences in Volume Density and Blotong Application on the Physical Properties of Ultisol Soil and Sweet Potato Plant Growth. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(4), 722–732.