The Interplay Between Employee Motivation, Work-Life Balance, and Job Satisfaction in Enhancing Workplace Productivity


  • Erny Rachmawati Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Eddy Sumartono STIE Mahardhika, Surabaya
  • Atmi Sapta Rini Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung
  • Eneng Wiliana Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
  • Mustofa Faqih Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara



This study explores the intricate interplay between employee motivation, work-life balance, and job satisfaction in enhancing workplace productivity. Through an extensive review of existing literature and in-depth interviews with professionals from various industries, the research aims to understand how these factors interconnect and contribute to a productive work environment.

Employee motivation is identified as a critical driver of workplace productivity. The study finds that intrinsic motivation, such as personal growth and recognition, and extrinsic motivation, like financial rewards and job security, significantly influence employee performance. Motivated employees are more likely to be engaged, innovative, and committed to their roles, leading to higher productivity levels. The research emphasizes the importance of tailored motivational strategies that align with individual and organizational goals to sustain high levels of motivation.

In conclusion, the interplay between employee motivation, work-life balance, and job satisfaction is pivotal in enhancing workplace productivity. The study suggests that organizations should adopt comprehensive strategies that address these factors collectively to create a productive and sustainable work environment. Future research should focus on exploring industry-specific dynamics and the long-term effects of integrated approaches on productivity and employee well-being.




How to Cite

Rachmawati, E., Sumartono, E., Rini, A. S., Wiliana, E., & Faqih, M. (2024). The Interplay Between Employee Motivation, Work-Life Balance, and Job Satisfaction in Enhancing Workplace Productivity. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(6), 1383–1396.