Planning, Operation and Supervision of Energy Renewal through Cooling Load and Thermal Comfort of Hotel Buildings


  • Nasrullah Nasrullah Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Bosowa University Makassar City, Indonesia
  • Awaluddin Hamdi Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Bosowa University Makassar City, Indonesia



Energy Planning, Energy Operation, Hotel Buildings


Abstract. The research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive, inferential and SEM statistical analysis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results of the study found that energy management starting from planning, operation and supervision showed a target cooling load of 25°C and a humandity of 60% for hotel buildings. The results of the calculation of external and internal cooling loads indicate that the hotel building has implemented an energy strategy using low wattage air conditioners and inverters. The results of SEM-PLS analysis obtained that the variables of planning, operation and supervision directly have a significant influence on cooling load, thermal comfort and energy renewability. Cooling loads and thermal comfort directly have a significant effect on energy renewability. For the analysis of the overall specific indirect effect, the planning, operation and supervision variables have a significant effect on energy renewability through cooling load and thermal comfort. This means that energy renewability is determined by the implementation of energy management starting from planning, operation and supervision as well as the calculation of cooling loads and thermal comfort.




How to Cite

Nasrullah, N., & Hamdi, A. (2024). Planning, Operation and Supervision of Energy Renewal through Cooling Load and Thermal Comfort of Hotel Buildings. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(7), 1997–2011.