Analyzing the Role of Transformational Leadership in Driving Organizational Innovation: An Empirical Study in the Information Technology Industry


  • Endang Sarwiningsih Setyawulan Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
  • Eliyunus Waruwu Universitas Nias
  • Narulita Syarweny Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
  • Ahmad Rifa’i Universitas Islam Indragiri
  • Eneng Wiliana Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang



transformational leadership, organizational innovation, Information Technology industry, leadership behaviors, technological advancements.


This empirical study investigates the role of transformational leadership in propelling organizational innovation within the dynamic landscape of the Information Technology (IT) industry. Recognizing the imperative for organizations to innovate in response to rapid technological advancements, this research delves into the leadership behaviors that stimulate and sustain innovation.

The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews to gather comprehensive insights. Survey data is collected from a diverse sample of IT industry professionals, assessing their perceptions of leadership styles and organizational innovation. In-depth interviews with organizational leaders provide qualitative perspectives on the mechanisms through which transformational leadership influences innovation.

Findings reveal a positive correlation between transformational leadership and organizational innovation in the IT sector. Transformational leaders, characterized by their vision, inspiration, and intellectual stimulation, play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of creativity and adaptability. The study identifies specific leadership behaviors, such as encouraging risk-taking and promoting a shared vision, as critical drivers of innovation.

This research contributes to the understanding of leadership dynamics in the context of technological innovation. Practically, it provides insights for organizations seeking to enhance their innovative capabilities by cultivating transformational leadership traits. The study concludes with implications for leadership development programs and suggestions for future research directions in the intersection of leadership and innovation within the IT industry.




How to Cite

Setyawulan, E. S., Waruwu, E., Syarweny, N., Rifa’i, A., & Wiliana, E. (2024). Analyzing the Role of Transformational Leadership in Driving Organizational Innovation: An Empirical Study in the Information Technology Industry. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(1), 322–329.