Advancing Critical Thinking Abilities in Education: Crafting Technology-Infused Learning Models


  • L. Angelianawati Universitas Kristen Indonesia
  • Hayati Hayati UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Badrut Tamami Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Wiliem Yacob Hetharion IAKN Ambon
  • Vabio Lekahena IAKN Ambon



Critical Thinking, Education, Technology-Infused Learning, Pedagogy, Educational Technology


The article explores the advancement of critical thinking abilities in education through the development of technology-infused learning models. In response to the evolving landscape of education, this study aims to enhance critical thinking skills by leveraging technology as an integral component of pedagogical approaches. The research employs a qualitative research design, utilizing interviews, document analysis, and case studies to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of technology on critical thinking development. The participants include educators, students, and education technology experts, ensuring diverse perspectives in the analysis.

The findings reveal that the integration of technology into learning models significantly contributes to the cultivation of critical thinking skills. Interactive simulations, collaborative online platforms, and personalized learning modules emerged as effective tools for fostering analytical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. The study also underscores the importance of teacher training and support in effectively incorporating technology into the curriculum. Additionally, the research identifies potential challenges, such as access disparities and technological literacy gaps, which warrant attention for equitable implementation.

The implications of this study extend to educational policymakers, institutions, and educators seeking to optimize technology's potential for enhancing critical thinking abilities. The crafted technology-infused learning models offer a pathway to align education with the demands of the digital era, empowering learners with the skills necessary for active and informed engagement in an ever-changing world.




How to Cite

Angelianawati, L., Hayati, H., Tamami, B., Hetharion, W. Y., & Lekahena, V. (2024). Advancing Critical Thinking Abilities in Education: Crafting Technology-Infused Learning Models. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(1), 400–408.