Values of Religious Moderation in Shaping Student Morals At SDN Kayukebek I Pasuruan


  • Nanang Achmadi Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya
  • Moh. Ismail Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya



Starting from the phenomenon of widespread cases of radicalism, morals, extremism, which have often occurred recently, making parents and teachers very concerned about the character or attitude of their children and students, where we often see bullying and even hate speech between fellow believers. religious or inter-religious.

The theoretical framework in this research uses behavioristic theory, regarding habituation. Meanwhile, the research method used in this thesis is a type of qualitative descriptive field research with a phenomenological approach

The results of the research are the author's findings in the field as well as answers to the problem formulation: 1. The process of internalizing the values ​​of religious moderation in shaping the morals of students at SDN Kayukebek I Pasuruan goes through several processes, namely: first through justice, including: balanced portions in religious activities, working together in clean Saturday activities, religious activities for each adherent of the religion such as commemorations religious holidays, second, the process of internalizing the values ​​of religious moderation in shaping students' morals through tolerance, namely: the attitude of students who respect each other both for fellow religious believers and between religious communities, third, the process of internalizing the values ​​of religious moderation in shaping students' morals through civility, namely: attitude of prioritizing manners and morals in interactions. 2. Implications of Internalizing the Values ​​of Religious Moderation in Shaping Student Morals at SDN Katukebek I Tutur Pasuruan, including: attitudes of justice, attitudes of tolerance and attitudes of civility and courtesy. 3 Supporting and Inhibiting Factors, including: Supporting factors, namely: School, Environment, Family, Community. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors include: School, Family and Community.




How to Cite

Achmadi, N., & Ismail, M. (2024). Values of Religious Moderation in Shaping Student Morals At SDN Kayukebek I Pasuruan. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(2), 464–472.