Risk Mitigation and Value Creation: Exploring Innovative Financial Management Practices in Global Enterprises


  • Vira Tandiawan Universitas Tompotika Luwuk Banggai
  • Anwar Anwar Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Informasi NIIT (I-Tech) Indonesia
  • Subur Harahap Institut Bisnis Nusantara
  • Ebah Suaebah Universitas Linggabuana PGRI Sukabumi
  • Muhammad Zaky Universitaa Linggabuana PGRI Sukabumi




Risk mitigation and value creation are essential components of financial management practices in global enterprises. This article aims to explore innovative financial management practices adopted by global enterprises to mitigate risks and create value. Employing a qualitative method, this study conducts a comprehensive literature review and library research to gather relevant data. Through the review of existing literature, various innovative financial management practices are identified, including risk assessment frameworks, hedging strategies, financial derivatives utilization, and dynamic asset allocation models. Additionally, the study evaluates the impact of these practices on risk reduction and value enhancement in global enterprises. The findings reveal that innovative financial management practices contribute significantly to risk mitigation by providing enterprises with tools and techniques to identify, assess, and manage risks effectively. Moreover, these practices facilitate value creation through improved decision-making processes, enhanced operational efficiency, and optimized resource allocation. Furthermore, the study examines the challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of innovative financial management practices in the global business environment. Key challenges include regulatory compliance, technological integration, and organizational culture alignment, while opportunities include increased competitiveness, enhanced stakeholder confidence, and sustainable growth. Overall, this study provides insights into the importance of innovative financial management practices in addressing contemporary challenges and opportunities faced by global enterprises




How to Cite

Tandiawan, V., Anwar, A., Harahap, S., Suaebah, E., & Zaky, M. (2024). Risk Mitigation and Value Creation: Exploring Innovative Financial Management Practices in Global Enterprises. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(2), 561–566. https://doi.org/10.59613/global.v2i2.97